Schools Competition Topics 2025
Click here to access resources guides for this year's topics.
A Grade
Round 1: That all pharmaceutical research should be funded and conducted by the government.
Round 2: That we should hold company directors & CEOs criminally responsible for security breaches (e.g. data breaches).
Round 3: Secret Topic
Round 4: Secret Topic
Round 5: Secret Topic
B Grade
Round 1: That all school and university exams should be open-book.
Round 2: That all childcare centres should be funded and operated by the government.
Round 3: Secret Topic
Round 4: Secret Topic
Round 5: Secret Topic
C Grade
Round 1: That tickets to all sporting events should be free.
Round 2: That all young people aged 16-22 years old should receive a Universal Basic Income from the government.
Round 3: Advised Topic: Environment and Sustainability
Round 4: Secret Topic
Round 5: That the Australian government should prioritise tourism as Australia's main export.
D Grade
Round 1: That the government should prohibit businesses from being cashless.
Round 2: That phone use should be taught as a learning tool in schools.
Round 3: That Australia should implement a substantial tourist tax.
Round 4: That Australia should ban the use of herbicides and pesticides in agriculture.
Round 5: That it should be optional to complete the Census in Australia.
Secret and Advised Topics
Secret topics are released one hour before the debate begins. Teams should arrive an hour and fifteen minutes before the scheduled debating time to allow time for roll call.
Advised topics are released in the same way as secret topics, but the general subject area of the topic is known in advance.