Welcome to the DAV Website
The DAV is a non-profit association which exists to promote debate. It
is the peak debating body in Victoria and runs large competitions for
adults and for schools across Victoria. It provides training and
resources for debaters, teachers and adjudicators.
The DAV publishes a Resource Guide which provides a brief for particular topics to facilitate student research for prepared topic debates. If feedback from a regional night held early in a round indicates that a topic is causing difficulties, additional detail will be added to the Resource Guide entry for that topic (but this is the only intervention we will undertake).
The Resource Guide is not a substitute for proper preparation, and its aim is simply to help you prepare your own case. You should not structure your case around the questions asked, nor should you rely too heavily only on the articles to which we provide links. Any ideas that the Resource Guide gives you will need to be explained just like any other material.
Resource Guides will be developed by our experienced adjudicating team and will be published over the coming weeks with priority given to earliest rounds. If you do not see a guide here yet, please check back again soon.
Round 1: That all pharmaceutical research should be funded and conducted by the government.
Round 2: That we should hold company directors & CEOs criminally responsible for security breaches (e.g. data breaches). Coming Soon
Round 3: Secret Topic
Round 4: Secret Topic
Round 5: Secret Topic
Round 1: That all school and university exams should be open-book.
Round 2: That all childcare centres should be funded and operated by the government. Coming Soon
Round 3: Secret Topic
Round 4: Secret Topic
Round 5: Secret Topic
Round 1: That tickets to all sporting events should be free.
Round 2: That all young people aged 16-22 years old should receive a Universal Basic Income from the government. Coming Soon
Round 3: Advised Topic: Environment and Sustainability Coming Soon
Round 4: Secret Topic
Round 5: That the Australian government should prioritise tourism as Australia's main export. Coming Soon
Round 1: That the government should prohibit businesses from being cashless.
Round 2: That phone use should be taught as a learning tool in schools. Coming Soon
Round 3: That Australia should implement a substantial tourist tax. Coming Soon
Round 4: That Australia should ban the use of herbicides and pesticides in agriculture. Coming Soon
Round 5: That it should be optional to complete the Census in Australia. Coming Soon