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Welcome to the DAV Website
The DAV is a non-profit association which exists to promote debate. It is the peak debating body in Victoria and runs large competitions for adults and for schools across Victoria. It provides training and resources for debaters, teachers and adjudicators.

Schools Competition
(Yr 9-12 Debating)

Primary School Public Speaking Competition 2025 - Online

The competition aims to give young speakers the opportunity to put their ideas forward in front of an audience whilst expanding their knowledge of current affairs. Students will develop the “building blocks” of public presentation—confidence, clarity, and the development of arguments—which are very important skills both in and out of school.

Students will be required to submit an unedited video of a 3-4 minute speech on a set topic, which must be persuasive in nature. This will then be assessed by two DAV adjudicators who will provide a score and written feedback by email. Top ranked students will progress to a finals series, which will require a second video speech to be submitted. There is no limit to the number of students that can participate, but a maximum of three students per school will be permitted to progress to finals.

Who: Students in Years 5 and 6.
Format: Students will present one prepared speech.
Cost: $20 per student.
Registration: Registration is not yet to open.

Prepared Speech:

Students must prepare a 3-4 minute speech on one of the following topics:

  • TBC
  • TBC
  • TBC

Primary School Public Speaking Competition 2025 - In-Person

The competition aims to give young speakers the opportunity to put their ideas forward in front of an audience whilst expanding their knowledge of current affairs. Students will develop the “building blocks” of public presentation—confidence, clarity, and the development of arguments—which are very important skills both in and out of school.

The day will also include a training component. Trainers from the DAV, one of the largest debating and public speaking organisations in Australia, will help students develop and practise their skills.

Schools may enter up to 4 students. If you are interested to enter additional students, please email debater@dav.com.au to be placed on a waitlist.

Where: TBC
When: TBC
Who: Students in Years 5 and 6
Format: Students will present one 2-3 minute speech of a persuasive nature on one of two set topics and two impromptu speeches of 1-2 minutes.
Cost: $45 per student.

Combined Debating and Public Speaking Program 2025 - In-Person

Students can participate in one or both competitions (debating/public speaking).

For public speaking, students will present one 2-3 minute speech of a persuasive nature on one of two set topics and one impromptu speech of 1-2 minutes. Schools may enter up to 4 students in public speaking.

For debating, teams will have one prepared topic round, and one secret topic round (prepared on the day). Schools can register a maximum of 4 teams in the competition. If your school has already had teams participate in DAV primary level debates in 2024 your registration will be capped at two teams.

When: TBC
Who: Students in Years 5 and 6
Cost: $30 per student for public speaking, $75 per team for debating

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