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Welcome to the DAV Website
The DAV is a non-profit association which exists to promote debate. It is the peak debating body in Victoria and runs large competitions for adults and for schools across Victoria. It provides training and resources for debaters, teachers and adjudicators.

Schools Competition
(Yr 9-12 Debating)



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Round 2: Wednesday, March 26th 2025

A Grade at 7pm

That we should hold company directors & CEOs criminally responsible for security breaches (e.g. data breaches).

Affirmative team Negative team
Ballarat & Clarendon College 1vs.Ballarat Grammar School 1
Ballarat & Clarendon College 1 (Year 11)vs.Ballarat Grammar School 1 (Year 11)

C Grade at 7pm

That all young people aged 16-22 years old should receive a Universal Basic Income from the government.

Affirmative team Negative team
Ballarat & Clarendon College 2vs.Ballarat High School 1
Ballarat & Clarendon College 1vs.Ballarat Grammar School 1

D Grade at 6pm

That phone use should be taught as a learning tool in schools.

Affirmative team Negative team
Ballarat & Clarendon College 1vs.Ballarat Grammar School 1
Ballarat High School 1vs.St Patrick's College 1

Round 3: Wednesday, June 11th 2025

A Grade at 7pm

Secret Topic

The draw for this round will be published closer to the start of the round.

C Grade at 7pm

Advised Topic: Environment and Sustainability

The draw for this round will be published closer to the start of the round.

D Grade at 6pm

That Australia should implement a substantial tourist tax.

The draw for this round will be published closer to the start of the round.

Round 4: Wednesday, June 25th 2025

A Grade at 7pm

Secret Topic

The draw for this round will be published closer to the start of the round.

C Grade at 7pm

Secret Topic

The draw for this round will be published closer to the start of the round.

D Grade at 6pm

That Australia should ban the use of herbicides and pesticides in agriculture.

The draw for this round will be published closer to the start of the round.

Round 5: Wednesday, July 2nd 2025

A Grade at 7pm

Secret Topic

Round five is power-paired (teams will debate against a team adjacent to them on the ladder). Draws for round five will be released after round four.

C Grade at 7pm

That the Australian government should prioritise tourism as Australia's main export.

Round five is power-paired (teams will debate against a team adjacent to them on the ladder). Draws for round five will be released after round four.

D Grade at 6pm

That it should be optional to complete the Census in Australia.

Round five is power-paired (teams will debate against a team adjacent to them on the ladder). Draws for round five will be released after round four.