Welcome to the DAV Website
The DAV is a non-profit association which exists to promote debate. It
is the peak debating body in Victoria and runs large competitions for
adults and for schools across Victoria. It provides training and
resources for debaters, teachers and adjudicators.
That schools should enforce consequences for students who participate in strikes during school hours
That we regret the use of participation awards
That we should incentivise people to relocate to the country
That all female athletes should have the same pay and conditions as male athletes
That emojis reduce our ability to communicate
That violent toys and games should be banned for children
That we should have video surveillance in all public places
That Hollywood movies should be true to history
That space exploration is not worth the cost
That after-school sport should be compulsory
That the government should increase funding for the arts
That parents should have access to their children’s social media accounts
That we should ban extreme sports
That all secondary students should have to learn an Asian language at school
That we should significantly increase the price of petrol
That students should be required to stay at school until the end of year twelve
That we should ban the use of animals in sport
That Australia should increase its reliance on solar power
That we should ban smoking in all public places
That we should ban the sale of fur
That voting in elections should be voluntary
That the Olympic Games are more trouble than they are worth
That we should ban energy drinks
That there should be a minimum age for mobile phone usage
That it should be illegal to keep animals as pets
That everyone should learn a language other than English
That myspace and Facebook should not allow users under the age of 18
That we should ban all medical testing on animals
That we should teach manners in school
That parents should not be allowed to smack their children
That smoking should be illegal
That beauty is better than brains
That we should have video surveillance in all public places
That school uniforms should be compulsory
That the voting age should be lowered to 12
That computers do more harm than good
That all high school students should face mandatory drug tests.
That we should ban sexist advertising.
That we should build more wind farms.
That we should ban violent video games.
That school canteens should not sell junk food.
That Harry Potter should not be taught in schools.
That school sport should be compulsory.
That the Olympics have lost their meaning.
That we should close all zoos.
That beauty pageants should be banned.
That we should have a youth curfew.
That we need a new flag.