Welcome to the DAV Website
The DAV is a non-profit association which exists to promote debate. It
is the peak debating body in Victoria and runs large competitions for
adults and for schools across Victoria. It provides training and
resources for debaters, teachers and adjudicators.
A Grade
Note: These are the prepared topics only as three of the five rounds each year are secret topic rounds.
That Victoria should abandon the Belt and Road deal with China
That we regret the rise of cancel culture
That we regret the rise of streaming platforms (such as Netflix and Disney+)
That the government should outsource climate and energy policy to a panel of experts
That, instead of being elected, members of Parliament should be randomly selected
That we should criminally prosecute companies that use sweatshops
That Australia should implement a universal basic income
That Spain should grant independence to Catalonia
That Australia should end its alliance with the US
That we should abolish the ATAR system of University Entrance
That the media should not be permitted to report on criminal cases until after the trial
That we should open all international borders
That we should permit fracking.
That indigenous communities should be allowed to administer traditional justice.
That the West should lift all sanctions on Iran
That we should give higher order animals (e.g. monkeys and dolphins) limited 'human' rights (e.g. the right to life and freedom from physical harm)
That Greece should leave the Eurozone
That we should allow advertising of prescription medication
That political party leaders should be directly elected by the Australian public
That the government has failed Indigenous Australians
That we should ban Scientology
That we should have a quota for women on corporate boards
That we should set a maximum wage of $1 million for corporate executives
That the West should fear the rise of China
That we should abolish the minimum wage
That Google has gone too far
That the government should pay compensation to the Stolen Generations
The environmental groups should commit violent acts in pursuit of their aims
That we should give parents vouchers to send their children to private schools
That we should replace petrol with biofuels
That the media should not be allowed to publish material that is offensive to religion
That indigenous people should be punished by their own communities
That doctors should be able to override family wishes for patients who are unable to consent.
That torturing terror suspects for information can be justified.
That we have more to fear from George W. Bush than we do from the axis of evil
That we should ban all overt religious symbols from government schools
That Australian parents should be able to choose the gender of their children.
That the Australian Constitution needs a Bill of Rights.
That the media should have unrestricted access to immigration detention centres
That we should protect the Australian economy with tariffs
That we should abolish the forestry industry
That two-party dominance harms democracy
That the Australian Government should permit Genetically Modified Foods.
That the Native Title Act has set back the indigenous movement.
That welfare payments are a privilege not a right.
That the Microsoft Monopoly must be squashed.
That the United Nations should be disbanded.
That we should maintain the war on drugs.
That Pauline Hanson has a right to be heard
That we should link trade to human rights
That Australia should do more for human rights
That democracy should never be compromised for progress
That we must legislate against vilification
That all drugs should be legalised
B Grade
Note: These are the prepared topics only as three of the five rounds each year are secret topic rounds.
That schools should not teach texts that are deemed to contain discriminatory content
That the government should fund universal free childcare
That we should ban climate change denial
That we should revoke the tax-exempt status of religious institutions
That we should allow pill testing at music festivals
That the government should have access to private citizens’ encrypted messages
That we should limit the number of government-funded university places
That the West should lift all sanctions on Zimbabwe
That parents should not be allowed to refuse medical treatment for their children.
That we regret the rise of the sharing economy (e.g. Airbnb)
That we should legalise Uber
That Australia should dramatically increase its refugee intak
That women should pay less tax.
That we should abolish welfare quarantining.
That the government should bail out large, failing companies
That we should ban 'volunteer tourism'
That we should abolish special ‘youth’ wages
That feminism is irrelevant to young women today
That Australia is a poor international citizen
That we should require all schools to accept a minimum of 25% of their students from disadvantaged backgrounds
That we should prohibit building homes in areas prone to natural disasters
That we should use prison labour for public works
That the police should not carry guns on the beat
That Melbourne’s growth should be upwards, not outwards
That governments should not fund the arts
That we should end live animal exports
That Australia should aim for zero population growth
That Victoria should create drinking water through desalination
That Victoria should have a Bill of Rights
That universities should have quotas for government school students
That the war against terrorism is unfairly restricting our freedom.
That we should have equal prize money for women in sport.
That government schools should introduce condom vending machines.
That Australians should mourn 26 January as Invasion Day
That Saddam Hussein should be executed
That we should not detain asylum seekers
That we should ban embryonic stem cell research.
That justice is only for the rich and powerful.
That we should have safe zones for street prostitution.
That we should support human reproductive cloning
That all political parties should have gender quotas
That we should lift the ban on commercial whaling
That we should enforce a Ministerial Code of Ethics
That we should get tough on sports hooligans
That we should increase public funding to private schools
That we should support safe injecting houses.
That we should ban Internet gambling.
That politicians' private lives are not the public's business
That exams are better than CATS.
That terrorism can be justified.
That we should support the mining of uranium at Jabiluka
That our Head of State should be directly elected by the people.
That White Australia should not apologise.
That surrogacy should be legalised.
That tertiary education should be free
That we are failing our indigenous people
That the better the car the better the pickup
That voluntary euthanasia should be legalised.
That we have more to hope than fear from the Internet
That we have failed our indigenous people.
That Paul Keating is an Australian hero
That we should put the loggers before the greenies
That power grows from the barrel of a gun
That alcoholic products should be subject to plain packaging laws
That we support mandatory national service
Advised topic area: Education
That the economy is a poor measure of a nation's success
That children should be legally required to take care of their parents rather than placing them in aged care
That we should abolish trial by jury
Advised topic area: Social Media
That schools should prioritise vocational skills
That police should always carry tasers rather than guns
That we should abolish political parties
Advised topic area: Economics
That too many people go to university
That we should ban the sale of all cars powered by fossil fuels by 2025
That Australia and New Zealand should unify as a single country
Advised topic area: Voting & Government
That we should introduce an inheritance tax
That the value of a citizen's vote should diminish with age
That we should restrict urban sprawl
Advised topic area: Animals
That we regret the influence of corporate advertising in sport
That professional sports should have a separate league that permits the use of performance enhancing drugs
That we should not permit the sale of alcohol after midnight
Advised topic: Crime & Punishment
That we should allow corporate sponsorship of schools
That we should have compulsory military service.
That all educational institutions should reserve places for indigenous students.
Advised Topic: Children and young people.
That we should abolish trial by jury.
That the national curriculum should seek to promote 'Australian values'
That we should not grant developing countries the right to host major international sporting events
That we should abolish the minimum wage
That the Government should fund controversial art
That we should ban academic streaming in schools
That the Australian Government should protect anti-whaling protesters who forcibly disrupt whaling ships
That we should abolish all domestic content quotas on TV and radio
That police should only break up violent protests
Advised Topic: Parenting and Family
That the Government should publish league tables which rank school performance
That the Government should not fund major sporting events
That schools should be allowed to drug test children
That public transport should be free
That Australia should adopt a national internet filter
That Australia should accept far fewer migrants
Advised Topic: Animals and the Environment
That the police should hold the DNA of all Australians on a national database
That we should legalise music piracy
That fashion does more harm than good
That we should legalise the sale of human organs
That we should lift the international ban on commercial whaling
That we should outlaw alcohol
Advised Topic: Olympics
That social networking sites do more harm than good
That we should have performance pay for teachers
That professional sporting teams should not have cheerleaders
Advised Topic: Health
That we should greatly increase our public transport system instead of building new freeways
That we should have video surveillance in all public places
Advised Topic: Crime and Punishment
That Australian parents should be able to choose the gender of their children
That we should ban hunting for sport.
That we should be able to sell our organs for profit.
Advised Topic: The Royals
That women should fight on the front line in combat.
That welfare payments are a privilege not a right.
That smokers should not have access to Medicare
That we should legalise all drugs
Advised Topic: Tertiary Education
That Australia has become the 51st state of America
That all Australians should be listed on a DNA database
That Victoria should not have privatised its prisons
That we should lift the ban on mining in Antarctica
That the internet enhances democracy
That we should abolish youth wage rates
That welfare agencies should supervise chroming
That we should abolish quotas for Australian content on television
Advised Topic: Aboriginal Reconciliation
That public transport should be operated by the State Government
That all secondary schools should be co-educational
That we should not restrict a smoker's access to organ transplants
That we should all be vegetarian
Advised Topic: Australian Broadcasting Commission
That Australia should greatly increase its military spending
That children who kill should be tried as adults
That we should have compulsory military training.
That Australians are quick to cut down their tall poppies.
Advised Subject: Snowy River
That we should decriminalise marijuana.
That young Australians should form their own political party.
That education about illicit drugs should start in primary schools.
That women's magazines do more harm than good.
Advised Subject: The Olympics.
That HIV testing should be compulsory for all.
That the republicans are ruining the Australian Republic
That the media should pay more attention to women in sport.
That we should introduce a youth curfew.
Advised Subject: The Internet.
That Santa Claus is a justifiable deception.
That all animal testing should be banned.
That money corrupts sport
That there should be a right to bear arms
Advised Topic: Gambling
That women's magazines do more harm than good
That raves should be banned
That we should stop building freeways
That HIV Testing should be compulsory for all.
That we should be thankful for unions
Advised subject: Olympics
That the bride should wear black.
That the Grand Prix will do more harm than good for Victoria
That we should close the zoos
That Australia should accept more refugees
Advised subject: weapon control
That the media should pay more attention to women in sport
That the government should subsidise tourism in regional Victoria
That animal testing should be banned
That public transport should be free
That smokers should not have their medical treatments subsidised
That television programs glorifying the military (e.g. SAS) should not be broadcast
That we should limit the number of cars that each household can own
That we should embrace a cashless economy
That we should lift the ban on Russian athletes participating in international sporting events
That we should ban private gun ownership
That we should adopt an opt-out system for organ donation
That we should ban horse racing
That all political parties should have quotas for female candidates
That we should abolish standardised testing (e.g. NAPLAN)
That convicted criminals should not be allowed to publish accounts of their crimes
That refugees should have full access to the Australian welfare system
That the Olympics should expand to include non-sporting events
That we should prohibit gambling advertisements
That we should introduce a congestion charge on motor vehicles entering the Melbourne CBD
That employers should adopt a four-day working week
That we should impose mandatory minimum sentences for all violent crimes
That Australia should adopt a new national flag
That we should ban children from competing in professional sport
That we should allow development in Antartica
That we should fear the development of artificial intelligence
That museums should offer to return historical objects to their country of origin
That Australia should become a republic
That schools should provide free meals for their students
That we should use prison labour for public works
That we should ban internet gambling
That the media should give equal coverage to men’s and women’s sport
That magazines should ban photo editing.
That we should stop celebrating Australia Day.
That we should get rid of State governments.
That music is the most important form of art.
That all students should learn about a variety of religions in school.
That we should ban gender-specific advertising of toys
That we should punish sporting teams for their fans' violent behaviour
That we should require all social networks to offer parents full access to their children's accounts
That the media should not be allowed to report on the private lives of politicians
That we should ban examinations in schools
That we should legalise all performance enhancing drugs in sport
That the Government should pay a salary to parents who stay home with their children
That we should abolish all forms of incarceration for people under the age of 18
That we should prohibit public statements that are offensive
That we should reserve seats in Parliament for Indigenous Australians
That we should not celebrate Australia Day
That we should ban all forms of gambling
That we should not allow under 18 year olds to compete in professional sport
That we should prohibit home schooling
That we should tax fatty foods
That we should ban violent video games
That we should not allow animals to be used as objects of sport
That we should ban beauty pageants
That private schools should not receive funding from the government
That space exploration is not worth the cost
That we should ban cosmetic surgery
That modern technology is a plague on human relationships
That Australia should embrace nuclear power
That judges should be elected
That smokers should be denied access to Medicare
That we should value literature more than sciene
That the Victorian government should buy back the public transport network
That parents should be able to design their babies
That we should be proud of Australia's bogan culture
That Australia should allow women to fight in the front line of armed combat
That we should ban solariums
That we should tax video games to fund programs that fight childhood obesity
That celebrities have too much influence over teenagers
That Australia should abolish compulsory voting
That Australia should embrace nuclear energy
That we should greatly increase the price of water
That we should ban all examinations in schools
That the Victorian government should not fund major sporting events
That we should ban the sale of fur
That we should have mandatory imprisonment for people who light bushfires
That burning the Australian flag should be illegal
That we should introduce compulsory military service
That the government should not fund elite sporting organisations
That we should abolish quotas for Australian-made television programs
That we should ban all private cars from the Central Business District of Melbourne
That a mission to Mars would be a waste of money.
That we should selectively stream classes according to ability.
That we should all become vegetarians.
That we should legalise marijuana.
That the government should not fund controversial art.
That we should have compulsory military service
That we should ban live animal exports
That Athens should be the last Olympics
That the internet does more harm than good
That the government should not fund private schools
That year 11 and 12 should be compulsory
That the ANZAC spirit is irrelevant to young people
That we should support nuclear energy production
That we should allow schools to drug test their students
That we should have the death penalty for terrorists
That arsonists should face compulsory imprisonment
That Pat Rafter is a worthy "Australian of the Year"
That parents should have the right to smack their children
That contact sports should be banned at school
That Australia needs a new National Anthem
That we support "at home" detention
That Hollywood movies should be true to history
That we should ban offensive music
That the government is adequately responding to rural youth issues
That graffiti is a legitimate art form
That the Victorian Government should save Waverley Park.
That the Playstation has destroyed the playground.
That we should punish school bullies.
That we should lower the voting age to 16.
That our schools should teach Asian second languages before European second languages.
That school uniforms should be compulsory.
That our sportspersons are not good role models.
That there is too much violence on television..
That space exploration is a waste of money.
That private citizens should not have a right to own guns.
That the death penalty should be reintroduced.
That child immunisation should be compulsory.
That parenting should be by licence only.
That public transport should be free.
That tobacco advertising should be banned
That there is too much violence in entertainment
That we should reintroduce the death penalty
Advised Topic: Co-education
That the voting age should be lowered to 16
That we should ban "Baywatch"
That learning a second language at school should be compulsory.
That TV news is not the news.
That women need men like fish need bicycles.
Advised Topic: Refugees
That the death penalty should be reintroduced
That smoking should be banned
That Melbourne needed to be crowned with a Casino
That Brandon is better than Bart
Advised subject - School sport
That our politicians are failing us