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Welcome to the DAV Website
The DAV is a non-profit association which exists to promote debate. It is the peak debating body in Victoria and runs large competitions for adults and for schools across Victoria. It provides training and resources for debaters, teachers and adjudicators.

Team Line


The team line will give your team case overall consistency. Simply, a team line is a general statement of what your team is arguing in the debate. Often, it is as simple as saying, “Tonight, the Affirmative team believes that…” or saying “the Negative team will prove to you tonight that….” All of the arguments that you make should be consistent with the team line.


Some debaters think that a team line is a clever little one-liner that each speaker gives during their speech, using exactly the same words every time. This is not what a team line is meant to be! The different speakers should phrase the team line differently as it makes it less repetitive (and hence less boring for your adjudicator).



Team split


The first two speakers from each team need to present  arguments. Your team should divide up your material between the speakers. A team split tells the audience, the adjudicator and your opposition what your team’s arguments will be, and which speaker is presenting them. 


The easiest way to come up with a good team split is to write down all your arguments, and think of all the different categories that they might come under. The put each argument under a sub-heading. If one speaker has ended up with much more material than the other, then you should re-think your split , or think about how you have classified each argument.


The first speaker from each team should give the split at the start of their speech – usually after they have given the team line and definition. The second speaker can present a personal split, where they note what their own arguments will be to remind the audience and adjudicator. The third speaker can use the team split as a way of summarising the team case.